Monday, December 7, 2009

5th month ++

I been missign from blogging as im too held up w Edna.. and of cos myself haaa..
Past 2 mth she had antoehr 6 in 1 jab.. 1 more block nose episode which was HELLISH fo rme since the papa isnt ard when she fell sick..

Past 2 mth she learnt to flip.. learn to "wormed" ard the cot... she learnt to flip fr tummy to back.. then later on back to tummy... Early in the morning she will go 'singing' to herself in the cot when she discovered she could 'sing'.. fr sing to scream aft a long while if I do not attend to her (im sleeping heheh)

After a few days she seem to know I wun b bothered LOL.. and thus she stop singing.. jus concentrate on playing herself till I feed her.

Until last week.. she had 5 feed a day. 5am was her 1st feed which was impressive as usualy she wakes up 4 hour sharp at nite. Oh yes i try to giv her more milk.. she usualy drinks 120ml per feed of 4 hourly..
1 fine day i gave her 200ml.. she happily finished it. and that fateful day it happened to be I gave away my stash of frozen EBM! Panicky!! So worried she wun hav enuff milk since I can onli giv her 150 max per pump... feenugreek and MLMMP tablets din work.. instead supply drop.. aft a few days of stopping these supplement and eat birdnest daily. supply back to normal.. phew....
and 2 weeks plus later aft she drink 200ml daily.. my lil fella here slept thru! for 4 days she hard her milk between 9-10 pm.. go to sleep... wakes up make a bit of noise early int he morning and bkto sleep w/o any assistance! 4th day she cant b bother to maek noise anymore! She gets her milk ard 8.30 to 9.30 am every morning..Effectively she hav 4 feeds a day! And to make up for the amount of milk she needs. 1st and last feed I giv her 240ml while day time feed she gets 200ml. that makes approximately 900ml a day w 4 feeds!

I would say I am proud of myself w Edna's training. Thou the sleeping thru came a bit later than I expect(i targeted 3 mths)... but I reminded myself Edna is a fussy bb... For a fussy baby who can sleep and nap on her own since birth.. and then sleeping thru now... flip n 'crawl' pretty fast...what more can I ask for?

Excet for this am.. suddenly she cry for v long while at 6 am asking for milk. Nt sure if she is realy hungry or any discomfort prob due to teething. so I waited 15 mins for her to cry.. and fed her... Then later on in the day it occurs to me she wasnt hungry this am.. suspected some discomfort in her gums as she did not drink well for the nxt 2 feed. she onli had 120 ml of milk for 2 feed. which is like 60% of her usual intake.. worrying... she prob tot she need to go on diet? since she is due for check up cum jab on weds.

LAst check up she was 5.6kg at near 62 cm. wonder hw heavy is she now... I must admit ever since she had 200ml per feed.. i can feel her bones grown bigger and heavier... putting her into baby bjorn carrier is stressful to my back too!

past 2 days I also let her try on some plain water. 30 ml each time. she gave a weird look. but nonetheless she drank up everythg. I started on plain water since I am not gg to start her on cereal this month. she is 5 mth 2 weeks for now. but for health sake n allergy reasons I decded that she is onli getting her cereal aft 6 mth.. and since dec is a busy month for me.. I decided on 1st january for her to take cereal.

Hunting down a few brands of cereal for her. Organix fr vitakid, healthy times organic brown rice cereal... and Heinz (cant find it for now as its out of stock). Will giv her the above mentioned cereal just inc ase if any brands goes OOS, then there willl be other brands available.
Despite I do not want to giv her bottled food.. I guess I might jus do it once or twice for the sake of letting her try in the event if we travel and no freshly cook food available for her. Good to try now since I will know if she will get allergic to the bottle food anot. Not funny if she get allergy during our trip!
Looking at avoacado as well as potato for her 1st puree toos! Wun giv her carrot n banana as yet as they r sweet. which might put her off to eating yucky veggies. and banana give quite a bit of phlegm .

And talking bout trip.. little Edna got her passport done! we r gg on a trip nxt week! YAY!! Her first flight... lucky girl!!!

I shall post some potos soon.. After her 3rd jab i promise!

Monday, September 21, 2009

In the 3rd Month

In Edna's 3rd month... she is changing loads! so much so that she is driving me crazy...
bottle rejection... milk strike.... wakeup in the middle of nite for NO REASON.. all these which people said coudl be due to teething.. ehh she is onli 2 mth plus.. I dun need her to grow teeth so early... hahaaa

She start to 'talk' to us at the beginning of her 3rd month... If she is int he good mood int he morning she will talk to herself (or her toys) in her cot for quite a long while before she start crying for me to wake up...
If she is in a bad mood.. ta dah.. she start crying imemdiately!

Lately she even knw hw to scream! In excitement?? hmmm...

Her neck been rather strong since birth.. at 1 month plus she could support her own head for quite a while. And so now.. she def can support it longer! Friends were quite shock she could do it... haa..wait till u see hw she flip from her tummy to her back which she did it since 2 weeks old (occassionaly)

I so love her hair hehe...

Full of expression when she is in gd mood


And oh yes... did I say she master the art of thumb sucking? initialy her hands was shakin all over her facve.. now.. she pop her thumbs into her mouth easily! and ehh she even suck it to sleep! Mummy me got worried bout callus.. and as per Auntie Robyn suggestion. I gave in to pacifier.. But alas.. this girl dun like pacifier! grrr.... she spit it out thou we help to push into ehr mouth.. haiz... we tot prob she is off mitten early.. so she master the art of suck thumb faster!

and hur hurhur.. she can suck her thumb tactically w/o u seeing...


Looks like she is covering her mouth rite?actualy she is happily sucking!

Another Happy face....
Weds she is gg for her 6 in 1 2nd dose.. keeping finger cross she is ok after that...
she finaly bk to her routine of eat play sleep... I dun wan more changes... keep the teeth in.... hehehee.. Hope she will sleep thru the nite soon too

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tui Na

Edna crying been killing me... thou I am always ear plug mode... but well.. its just that i dunw an to get bothered by her crying... not that I do not bother.. still I wan to curb her crying..
The rid wind Dr Tan gave dun realy help and so she gave me another medicine call 'acolic' instead.. well well it doesnt realy help much and it does have side ffect like puking.. after taking a few times.. it doesnt realy seem to work... I finaly decided that she should try out other method .... TCM Tui Na.. its liek massaging but more on the acupoints...
I brought her to Yu Guo after some recommendation and reviews by various friends and serene.
Sinseh said she had a super bloated tummy... (ahh so her fat tummy is not cos she got fat but its bloated!!).. alot of wind inside!
Also she mentioned this little fella is afraid of heat.. cos of her heat rash on her face... Advised mi nt to gie her formular as well sicne I been supplementing her w 1 feed at nite for sake of not wasting the formular =(
she said breast milk is best! and so I chuck that tin of formula away!

The whole tui na proces sis that the sinseh will 'prescribe' what is to be massage on.. the acupoints to be precise.. then the tui na lady assigned will do it accordingly as prescribed
and also herbs are given.. in small sachets.. to be wrap ard the tummy... OSMOSIS???

Edna dun realy like the massage at 1st... at the rate of $20 per tui na.. herbs are charged seperately.. we were told to bring her back everyday for it.. aft going for 5 days ... I was shacked out... but I still continue to do so.. cos... I could see she begin to get used to it.. and she seems better too!!!!

its quite amazing how touchin a certain part of her left hand.. cound do the job... and oh yes.. she farted more than usual too!

Hope she recover soon.... at least make the money spent worth it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

6 in 1 Jab

Its week 6 and 2 days, time for the nxt jab... we opted for 6 in 1 jab to spare Edna from the extra pain fr the jab. So the idea of having her jab at poly clinic is passed. Initilay tot of gg to KKh for it.. but since its pretty far fr the MRT and I dun hav access to the car easily... I choose the option of gg to the PD near our home.

Dr Tan fr Kidz Clinic was rec by Judy whose son goes to her too. She is a fast speaker LOL... I almost couldnt catchup w her speed despite I speak very fast too LOL

She gave us an appt for the jab while Edna is in her 6th week.

Weighing 4.4kg... Edna is 1kg heavier fr birth.. I wouldnt think thats a big increment since most of myf riends bb gain much more weight ina mth than Edna in 6 week. But each baby is different... hard to compare.. esp each parenting method is different too which actualy contributes to hw a baby feed, and sleep. And Edna is not a demand feed baby. More on a scheduled feed except at nite. And thus perhaps it contribute to the not so much weight increment. .But since Dr Tan said she is growing well.. there is no call for concern.

Measuring at 56cm... she is on a tall side as I was told.. Actualy I cant believe she is onli 56 cm.. since she seems much longer than birth...hehe

She have got some eczema on the face since she always like to b on her tummy. The heat between her face n the mattress is causing her those ugly rashes.. days where she is out w no tummy time.. her face is smooth like tofu...

Her good skin day...

Being only in her 7th week or less.. I would think this lil fella is quite a "mature" girl.. ...

For she already have tears since day 3 of birth while doctor said tear ducts r usualy matured onli ard 3 mth or later.
and also she drools alot before she was 1 mth old.. NO new born drool I was told.. I voice my concern bout this to Dr Tan and she said usualy bb dun drool so early.. Again.. it could be due to her early maturing of the saliva gland... she loves to suck her fist!!! and thats also before she turn 1 mth.. tskkk

Bot forgetting she can lift up her head really high .. super neckpower!!!
and she can wriggle all over the bed..inching herself forward..rubbing herself against the side of the cot.. and she nudge me off the bed literally!!!

Hope she grow up soon thou.. her crying is crazy haaaa
here she goes wailing while I blog... grr...

A pic of her on her 1st swim at Hwa Xia

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The 1st month...

Some pic of the little princess in her 1st month...

I like it whenn we swaddle her up like this...

She looks like those russian doll we bought *giggle*

Her 1st bath back home... by papa dearest...
She looked very much like Papa when born.. but she is slowly chagning.. and it seems liek she look vry much like me now...

Tot prob I shall scan my childhood poto n compare w these...
For the 1 mth... Edna been crnaky many times.. in fact the 1st 2 weeks.. she barely sleep int eh day time.. she cried from 9am to 6pm... super stressful... since we duno what exactly she wants.. I rem the 1st week she cried till 4am in the morning.. and both dear and me were just staring at her wondering what shld be done.. she seemed to resist us carrying her.. which is realy weird.. i tot babies like to b cuddled??
We try giving her gripe water.. but that did not realy solve her crying problem during the day time...
eventualy we brought her to the PD who actualy suspect she might b colicky.. th which I ever tot of but prob impossible cos I tot colic usualy happen for 4 hours and usualy also at nite? anyway we were given the colic drops ' ridwind' and it kind of help a little.. at least.. she managed to have short nap in between feed thou crying still persist a little..
Im quite a strict mummy
since we came home.. I been trying to establish a routine for her.. I hardly give in to anythg less than3 hour feeding. I guess I miss her spurt growth drung the 3rd week cos of that.. hope it dun affect Edna very much... since spurt growth might prob need a lil more milk for that few days..

ANyway at the end of 2nd week when we brought her to PD for the colic prob.. she weigh about 3.6kg.. a weight which pd say is quite ok since she is on TBF.. she mentioned tbf babies usualy gain weight slower...
and mummy me haven got much milk..
We supplemented her with "similac" during the 1st week via cup/spoon feeding since I was worried bout her jaundice and all I want was to get rid of the yellow-ness in her asap.. thankfuly her jaundice did not escalate aft the 5th day of birth... thou the visit to polyclinic to do blood test was unavoidable... aft 2 weeks all was cleared... YIPEE! By week 2 she was on TBF.
I managed to established a routine for her as I mentioned earlier... she managed to sleep thru the nite aft mid nite feed. thou occassionaly she wakes up less than 5 hours aft sleeping.. which makes mi wonder if any activity during the day had caused her to wake up? over stimulation? that remains to be observed.
I must say the routine is SUPER impt to a baby and the care giver.. more predicatable at least.. esp for me who have to stay home alone w baby since week 3 after dear went bk to work and on some days he is away and not home at all.
Right now.. our day starts ard 9am.. Here is how our typical dayis like
9am: 1st feed and I pump out any excess since the nite been quite long since the previous 12 midnite pump/feed. Then I will rush out to soak the bottles, pump n etc, make myself a cup of warm drink, eat all my supplement as well as chikcen essence while she wail on bed =p
9.45am: bath time
After which she will be bk to her bed to nap.. she usualy will doze off very fast(ehh 20 mins of struggle?) during this nap (took us 4 week to get into this particular nap routine)
11.30am: usualy by now she will have woken up... sometimes of she is too tired she wills till be sleeping.. I prep for her feed that is supposed to b at 12 noon
12 noon: feeding time.. sometiems i pump out and feed sometimes I latch...
Latching takes about 30 to 40 mins...
and nappy changing.
play ard w her aft this thou she barely like to play w us.. she is sooo boring... I usualy put her on bouncer aft this feed.. cos I will be having my lunch. so while I bounce her w my feet.. I get to eat.. sometimes i just let her cry in the bouncer.. Im quite shut off to cries =p
after i fin lunch I will pop her bk to bed.. she struggle on..and fall asleep... no patting! it doesnt work on her anyway =)
3pm: feed time, diaper changing time.
Attempt to play with her a bit more... thou usualy she make noise n then struggle to sleep again w/o my sassistance...
6pm: feeding time
Usualy by this feed she is more tired.. and will b in semi sleep mode...
I will change her diaper.. put on socks and long pants for her to go to sleep. This sleep.. she struggle less cry less... but might take about 45 mins or so for her to go to sleep.. but at least lesser cries...
My day with her ends here actualy... cos is her bed time by 7pm... and I get to eat my dinner.. do my stuff n etc.
9pm: wakes her up.. dream feed her.. if she is very awake i will change her diaper.. else I will leave her as it is.. she will go bk to lala land immediately after this feed... usualy I give her bottle feed as it is faster and I can get papa to feed her... bonding time mah... (dream bonding that is!) and of cos I need to pump milk too...
After all these... its ME time again!
of cos I got stuff like washing of bottles n sterlising to do..
I wait till 12midnite.. pump and bottle feed her and she continue to sleep w/o fuss... I LOVE evening n nite!
and I go to bed...
Usualy she does not wake up for milk until about 4am or later.. the latest will be 6am where I will latch her on to dream feed her while bothof us continue to sleep till the nxt feed at 9 =)
In btw she will stir a little.. I guess she had more than enuff sleep for the nite =)
I noticed the moment the sun goes down.. she will go to sleep mode..prob cos its dark? and the moment when the sun comes out.. she will start moving more... I hope she realy understand the difference of day n night. In the tummy I will tell her when is day n nite everyday w/o fail... I hope that works =)
while she is strictly on routine.. she is still a cry baby.. I wonder when willt he cryign stop and smiling starts.. she is def not a smiley baby for a start.. sigh...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Full Month

Its finaly the day for the party...
As what some friends said.. e party is meant for daddy mummy and not baby haaaa

Got this cutie serviettes for the party....

DIY red egg the day before.. sprinkled with gold lustre dust =)

Full Month cakes for some friends and colleagues

Our family portrait

With the Maternal grandparents

Host of the day... Missy Edna Faith Han

We catered our party food from Mum's Kitchen.. we r their regulars =)

Very Nice set up.. 2 buffet line for 70 guests.
Pan Seared Dory Fillet with Caper Butter

Oven-Baked Chicken with Apple Thyme

Sauteed Cauliflower & Broccoli with Crabmeat

Crown Seafood Dipper

Thai Fried Rice with Sultana

Vietnamese Spring Roll

New York Potato Salad

Mango Pudding

And... whats a party without cakes?
Edna is a lucky girl she got both cupcakes n cake!!!
Courtesy of Aunty Linda and Aunty KH
Cupcakes by aunty KH... she made near 50 pieces!!! OMG..

And a cake by Aunty Llinda.. took her some 2 weeks to do it!

Oh ya the 3rd cake.. A diaper cake!!!
With God ma and God pa and lil AA Jnr somewhere...
Missy Edna having her milk..drinking with contentment

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Milk supply

Tonite.. I managed to pump out a record of 110ml of milk ... oh well thats my record so far...
from the initial 15 to 20 ml.. to 30.. then 50... which was stagnant for very long.. then 65ml.... and suddenly I got 110ml today.. guess its pure luck? haaaaa keep finger cross for the rest of the week since daddy is gg to b away from home for a week!

I am starting to take 4 fenugreek pill a day instead of 2 as I read that we can take up to 9 pills a day.... wish mi LUCK

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Random pics of the little Princess

See hw much she have changed...

she look so like me now... esp the eye n nose...

Happy feet